Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Extension Accounts

 Hello everyone ♪ Just a few quick notes! I wanted y'all to know that I respond to comments! So if you comment, check back for a response, because I don't think y'all get any alerts when I comment...

Also, as I'm not to savvy with my blog layout yet and can't find a way to properly link to these, here are a few outside profiles/accounts of mine you may be interested in~

Tumblr: It's a mix of Lolita, Mori-girl, Dolly-kei and silly cute things~
Flickr: I use this for my film photography and AP art portfolio
Listography: I'm a list-o-holic ♥
Livejournal: I mostly just post on EGL/Mori Girls, but I sometimes sell things on my journal
Look Book: Not used a whole lot, but might as well

That''s all the big ones I can think of for now ☺


  1. I've spent the last days going through your lovely tumblr and even got me a listography account, too!

    P.S.: There should be a function to organise your blogroll with somewhere in a sidebar.

  2. I've tried messing around with the blogspot settings already but maybe I'll try to find some online tutorials. Hmmm...
